Jun 21, 2011

From The Bottom Of My Heart

Hye all :) 
I'm just wanna share what's in my heart and some Quote that I recently read :)
  • people cry, not because they are weak. its because they've been strong for too long
    sape agree dengan Quote kat atas ni ? sila lah nagkat tangan ! hihi . My dear Naqi yang bagi quote ni to me at my FB . then , when I read this quote , terus senyum and suka sangat ! sebab ape ? sebab that was me ! I'm not cry because I'm a weak person , but I really have try to be strong for too long ! ohh maybe orang yang kenal DILA faham . and my dear lah yang akan paling faham why I really love this quote . kita manusia kan  . kadang kadang tahap kesabaran kita tu ada jugak tahatp maksimum . bila kita dah try simpan , pendam , tahan , sabar , pujuk diri sendiri , but yet luka , sedih , marah tu tak terpadam , tak terpujuk lagi , sape yang tahan kan ? at last kita akan menangis sepuas puasnya ! that was me ! tak tau lah if perempuan lain tak mcm daku -_________________- HAHAHA . but I think most of it will say YES to me . memang lah nangis tu takkan selesaikan masalah , but it will release our burden . ringan sikit dada ni tau . so , if you really sad , and nobody was there to lend their shoulder for you , just cry sebanyak mane korang nak nangis ! and then stop ! try to smile or PRETEND you are smiling ! :) and jgn lupa ! DOA pada Allah :) 
    haaaa betul tak ? :) ada lgi satu Quote !
    Give laugh to all, but smile to one; Cheeks to all, but lips to one; Luv to all, but heart to one :)
    hmmmm this quote pulak , I just want to tell you guys , do appreciate your special one ! be HONEST ! be LOYAL ! tak susah sebenarnya nak mempertahankan hubungan untuk kekal lama . kita boleh berkawan dengan sape sape pun but yang penting tak same mcm the special person in your life ! korang pun faham kan Quote atas ni :) just think about it . kalau korang rase korang tak buat mcm tu , muhasabah lah HAHA . when you have start it , finish it dear . jangan separuh jalan je  disebabkan perkara perkara yang tak patut. penah dengar KARMA ? yaaa memang betul pun KARMA tu . ape yang korang  buat , kelak korang akan dapat balik ! haaa nak ke rase korang tgh bahagia tibe tibe derita sebab yang tak munasabah ! hmm yang penting kan, BE HONEST :) okay ! :)
    okay lah , last but not least , just make love !  :)
    p/s : Mohd Naqhie , I Love You So much and will always love you ! 
    sangat suka tengok muka risau dia waktu melawat kat hospital dulu <3


  1. alahai sayang, comellah sayang :P

  2. intannnn ! hahaha ape yang comel ? gigit kang

  3. alahaiii, quote ko yg kedua tu wat aku sentap. huhu

  4. AMALINA ! hahahaha awat sentap pulak ? :) tapi ingat lah quote tu bila kau dah ada someone special tu nanti okay :)

  5. alolo...chomei gile!
    hana suke quote 1st..
    bnyak dah nanges lately...tp bile pikir2 blek..nanges sebb pe pown xtau laaa~
    parah betoi

  6. hai hanaaaa ! :) hana , hana cantik :) kannnn . dila pun suka sangat 1st quote tu . hee perempuan kan tak lari daripada air mata . its like mcm boleh release our burden kan by nangis je . at least lah . but jgn sampai kering pulak air mata haha :)
